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Guava pronunciation

Guava pronunciation

 Guava Pronunciation   #eed06d  #c8ab47  #7d9729  #f67459

Nothing else can match up to the luscious jams, Have not all of us enjoyed a plateful of guavas . It is one fruit which always Guava, known as amrood in Hindi, comes loaded with tiny hard seeds at the center. It is believed to have its genesis in Central America where it is alternatively known as "sand plum". It is round or oval in shape with light green or light yellow skin, and the colour of its flesh varies from white or pink to dark red and has edible seeds. Besides its unique flavour and fragrance, guava has been hailed as one of the super fruits due to the numerous health benefits it offers. It indeed is a powerhouse of nutrients. Lycopene and antioxidants that are beneficial for skin. This humble fruit is extraordinarily rich in vitamin C, Guavas are also rich in manganese which helps the body to absorb other key nutrients from the food that we eat. Guavas benefits are credited due to the presence of folate, a mineral which helps promote fertility. The potassium in guavas helps normalise blood pressure levels as well. 

The color palette in the left side of the picture which cantain color codes in it is generated from Guavas picture in the right.

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